

Radiate provides an Auth facade for accessing the authenticated user and calling methods such as login and logout.

The Auth facade is a wrapper around several WordPress functions to make handling user authentication consistent and easy to remember.

Check If The User Is Authenticated

The Auth facade has check and guest methods to determine the current status of the user.


use Radiate\Support\Facades\Auth;

// determine if the user is logged in

// determine if the user is logged out

Even though it is possible to determine if a user is authenticated using the check method, you will typically use a middleware to verify that the user is authenticated. To learn more about this, check out the documentation on protecting routes.

Retrieving The Authenticated User

You may access the authenticated user via the user method on the Auth facade. You can also get just the user ID if required.


use Radiate\Support\Facades\Auth;

// get the logged in WP_User instance

// get the logged in user ID

Get The User from The Request

The Radiate\Http\Request instance provides a user method for retrieving the authenticated user in a controller, middleware or anywhere else in your application.

REST API routes are stateless so the user method will always return false when called from an api route.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Radiate\Http\Request;
use Radiate\Routing\Controller;

class DoSomethingController extends Controller
     * Do something
     * @param \Radiate\Http\Request $request
     * @return mixed
    function __invoke(Request $request)
        if ($request->user()) {

Protecting Routes

Route middleware can be used to protect routes from unauthenticated requests. Radiate comes with an auth middleware in the form of Radiate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate. This middleware can be added to a route group to protect access from unauthenticated requests.


use Radiate\Support\Facades\Route;

Route::middleware('auth')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/admin', function () {
        // Only authenticated users may access this route...

Manually Authenticating Users

It is possible to manually log in a user by passing the authentication credentials to the attempt method on the Auth facade.


use Radiate\Support\Facades\Auth;

$credentials = [
    'username' => '@admin',
    'password' => 'P@ssw0rd',

$remember = true;

if (Auth::attempt($credentials, $remember)) {

You can also pass a WP_User instance to the login method:


use Radiate\Support\Facades\Auth;

$user = new WP_User(1);

$remember = true;

if (Auth::login($user, $remember)) {

Logging Out

To manually log users out of your application, you may use the logout method provided by the Auth facade.


use Radiate\Support\Facades\Auth;
